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Participation Fees

Participation fees

All prices are in RON and include VAT.

What does the participation fee include?

        • 2-days participation at the Meeting (March 28, March 29), access to all Scientific Sessions
        • Hospitality during the Scientific Program of the Congress(1 x Lunch / day and 2 x coffee breaks / day)
        • Congress Materials ( Program at a Glance, Badge), downloadable eBook of Abstracts, Extended Scientific eProgram
        • Access to dedicated mobile Congress App
        • Congress Participation eCertificate (issued according to you actual presence at the Event)
    • !!! The registration fee DOES NOT include any form of entertainment. Any social event is organized outside the Scientific Program and the participation to any social event is subject to a separate fee, paid by the participant !!!

Participation Benefits

Back to where we belong!

SRCUC - the Scientific Society that pursues in delivering high-level scientific content has prepared yet another congress with high scientific expectations. Looking forward to meeting you!

High-level scientific content, as usual

All orthopedic doctors need the knowledge and right skills to be able to perform their work effectively and competently.
SRCUC 2025 Meeting is happy to present national and international speakers that will deliver news & very useful scientific and practical know-how. 

Meet all the exhibitors. They are fond of hearing from you.

We can finally meet with the industry live, share experiences and access all the Exhibitors' Stands, materials and prospects and have private meeting sessions with the industry representatives.

Ask questions, response polls

Didn't have the courage of publicly asking a question? Now's the time. Easier, faster,  place your question in the Q&A panel in the congress App!

Meet with fellow participants

Meet & chat one again, live, with other participants. You just need to make yourself visible in real world :)

Retrieve your CME Credits Certificate

To collect all you CME Credits, make sure you check in all three days, full-time at the sessions you wish to attend. Not attending = not receiving CME Credits :-)

Payment method

The registration fee can be paid exclusively online by card, after completing the Registration Form. After selecting your card type (Visa, Mastercard, Other) you will proceed to our Payment Gateway -

Payment Refund Policy

The Organizer perceives, through this website a fee for registration at International Comprehensive Shoulder Meeting 2025. This fee is refundable under the following conditions: 

1. The user / participant has to specifically submit a request of the refund through email, at, together  with a proof of the payment.

2. The payment can only be refunded in maximum 30 days from the day the payment was made. 

3. No refunds will be made after February 27th, no matter when the payment was made.


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